NRG Energy

Growing business by 300% with a new creative and media strategy.

The Challenge

Brand refresh for an expanding company tasked with increasing customer confidence and showcasing they are capable of handling large scale business - all while spurring an increase in leads and combatting flat ad performance.

Our Solution

Reallocated spend to invest top-of-funnel and during peak seasonal opportunities.  Targeting and dayparting were nuanced to match the intended audience.  Performance was evaluated and optimized with a combination of  14 videos, 70+ social media posts, 35+ banners all created from one shoot. 



Increase of 21% in unique website visitors during the first three months; the highest count of the year with over 128K unique visitors. Sales funnel increased 400% in only two months along with 300% growth in new business customers. Success continues with a reduced CPL (currently -13%) all while delivering higher quality leads.


Garlic Case Study

